Substance Abuse
Alternative Options Substance Abuse Treatment Programs provide comprehensive, intensive treatment where clients examine and begin to resolve their alcohol/substance abuse or dependency issues. Our goal is to provide an environment where clients can make the necessary emotional and behavioral changes in order to achieve sustained sobriety.
Our team of caring and experienced professionals will assist individuals and families in gaining insight into mental, behavioral, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects of addictive behaviors and associated issues.
Substance abuse treatment includes:
Intensive Case Management
Random Drug Testing
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Groups
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) Groups
Weekly Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Psycho-Education Groups
Music Therapy
Yoga/Trauma Informed Yoga
Significant Other Support Groups
Linkages To 12-step Meetings In The Community
Medication Evaluation And Management
Aftercare Support For Relapse Prevention
Serving Los Angeles and Orange County Areas